We'll wash it before we send it!
In support of Willing Hearts, a secular and non-affiliated charity organisation, The Laundry Club is accepting donations of soft or stuffed toys plus clothing for the children of Timor at all our outlets. Our laundry service and dry cleaners will wash and pack the toys and clothing properly so the kids of Timor will be able to receive clean toys and clothing for their immediate enjoyment.
Willing Hearts will be sending a 40 ft container by October 2021 so send in your used items by 25 September 2021. Thank you!
Willing Hearts is wholly run by volunteers, apart from a handful of staff. It operates a soup kitchen that prepares, cooks and distributes about 10,000 daily meals to over 70 locations island-wide, 365 days a year. Beneficiaries include the elderly, the disabled, low-income families, children from single-parent families or otherwise poverty-stricken families, and migrant workers in Singapore.
Willing Hearts is registered as a society with the Ministry of Home Affairs since February 2005 and as a charity with the Ministry of Social and Family Development since December 2008.
The Laundry Club is a professional linen cleaning company, which has been dedicated for over 22 years to providing the best quality laundry and dry cleaning services in Singapore.